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About Dance LAB


Dance LAB is an artistic collective that
aims to produce dance projects based on creative collaboration, vulnerable exploration, and the generation of innovative art.

We are unique in that unlike many dance groups, we do not have a consistent cast of performers. Instead, Dance LAB is comprised of a fluctuating group of dance artists from the Boston area that commit to specific project timelines.

This loose structure allows dancers to participate to the degree they are able and interested in, creates space for new artists to collaborate with the collective, and brings new perspectives to Dance LAB. Anyone who has worked with Dance LAB, whether past or present, is an important piece of our history, and their contributions can be felt through the variety of our projects. Meet the humans of Dance LAB here.

Dance LAB Promo 4.jpg

Photo by Sarah Takash


In 2022, dance educator and choreographer Libby Bullinger established Dance LAB to collaborate with creative artists in the Greater Boston area and bring dance projects to local audiences. Although the idea for Dance LAB started as a way for Libby to continue her choreographic studies independently after graduating college, it has become much more. Libby’s goals are to generate thought-provoking choreography and expand her connections through the arts. Dance LAB Creative has become a group of creative people that make contributions and commitments to arts projects when they want.

The unique structure of Dance LAB allows Libby to realize her missions of creating and choreographing while giving dancers the chance to dance, perform, and be part of a collaborative team!


Dance LAB has performed at festivals and shows in Boston and beyond, and we continue to seek out new audiences to bring our vision to.

Photo by Moody's Point Photography


At Dance LAB Creative, the greatest priority is always people. Dancers, performers, artists, audience, participants, students, learners, teachers, movers, and everyone in between are of the utmost value to our collective. Oftentimes, dancers are reduced to their physical attributes, and their value is determined by dance abilities and docility rather than their humanity and personhood. However, dancers aren’t blank slates to be manipulated for choreographic visions. Dancers and all creative people are humans first. 


One of Libby’s main focuses as a choreographer and dance educator is to value the whole person. This manifests in Dance LAB through invitation for collaboration and feedback from artists. 


Although Dance LAB focuses on performance and project creation, we place equal value on the creative process and the path we take to achieve a final goal.


Photo by Jenna Lutz



Movement. Art. Connection. Expression.


Libby Anne Bullinger

Imaginative. Exploratory. Inspired.


Taking risks. Works in process. Generation.

Photo by Moody's Point Photography

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